7 Unexpected Ways Classical Ballet and Contemporary Dance classes can make your Dance Career better

 At first glance, both classical ballet and contemporary dance may seem polar opposites. However, there are ways more similarities between classical ballet and contemporary dance than meets the eye. Contemporary dance, for instance, shares a lot of its DNA with Ballet, borrowing and modifying on moves made popular by ballet over the years.

As such, there are plenty of lucrative opportunities awaiting those that possess the knack to master both classical and contemporary dance at the same time. In this article, we will be making an effort to learn the 7 ways in which classical ballet and contemporary dance can transform your career for the better.

So without much further ado, let’s jump right in

1 – Dancing makes you a Quick Learner

A very significant part of learning dance, whether it is classical ballet or contemporary, is being able to pick up on the steps, techniques and choreography thrown at you in the class. Dance students are constantly on the other hand of verbal and visual instructions, both of which they have to acquire and quickly translate into action. Dance makes you sharp, amplifies your listening skills and promotes strong presence of body and mind. Being a quick learner is a skill appreciated in not only a dance career, but also greatly rewarded in all career circles.

2 – Dance makes you Pro-Active

Dancers, especially ones performing ballet, understand the fundamental nature of being prepared. You simply can’t execute some of the most complex dance moves demanded by both ballet and contemporary styles if you are not prepared. Dancers are constantly on their feet, pushing themselves to achieve perfection in their art. Being proactive goes a long way in building a strong and stable career.

3 – Relying on Teachers

Dance professionals rely heavily on their teachers to learn their moves. It is hard to imagine, where an amateur dancer might be without a teacher. Dance requires the imbuing of etiquette, correct technique, and musical cognizance in oneself. Dancers rely on their teachers to listen, focus and learn, all of which are essential in becoming masters of their craft. If one wants to reach the zenith of their dance careers, what better way to do so than becoming a master of the craft.

4 – Team Work

Dance teaches oneself the importance of ‘Us’ over ‘Me’. It is in many ways a great exercise in team building. You learn how to rely on your dance partner or partners, how to feed off of their energy to put the best show possible for thousands and millions of witnessing eyes. It is also a great way to receive quick support and feedback from people you trust and have grown to depend on. Both classical ballet and contemporary styles can inculcate in oneself an unwavering sense of community, which is something one can harness to build a great career for themselves.

5 – Dance teaches you to Work hard

This is a no-brainer. Dance literally requires sweating it out on the dance stage in order to master the craft. Ballet, in particular, is extremely hard and demanding. This only makes the reward of finally perfecting it, all the more sweet. There are countless hours of practice, and rehearsals behind a great dancer.

6 – Dance teaches you to be flexible in mind and body

This may sound odd, but dance does teach you to be flexible, not only in body, but also in mind. There are a number of rules and structure one must learn to master and execute moves properly. With dance, one can accomplish this very easily. It also teaches oneself to be creative, as with a flexible mind you can bend the rules to invent a new dance move altogether.

7 – Staying Positive

Life can be hard, and an average day extremely stressful. Dance teaches you to burn through this feeling of anxiety and finds a way to be optimistic even in the face of great challenges. Suffice to say, staying positive is crucial to carve a successful career for oneself.

The Bottom Line

Although different, there are similarities between classical ballet and contemporary dance when it comes to the above 7 reasons. As such, learning them is not only a great way to build a fantastic career for you, but also a fascinating way to become a better human being.

So if you are someone with a soft spot for classical ballet or contemporary dance, you can enroll at Dancepointe Academy to be a part of the best dance classes in Singapore today.


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